Lebanese Observatory for Crashes on Road
🎉“Trend Analysis of Lebanese Road Crashes in 2022” report releases [Report].
Traffic accidents in Lebanon are constantly harvesting lives, dramatically changing others, and traumatizing those of their beloved ones. Due to the lack of statutory authority in charge of collecting and reporting accident related data, the Lebanese Observatory for Crashes on Road (LOCR) is a real-time online platform to collect crash events from social media. Since 2015, LOCR allows for autonomous data collection, classification and visualization without human intervention, and aims to help the authorities in laying down the appropriate measures for traffic accidents prevention. Fine-grained data and comprehensive reporting is not the objective of this work, but rather LOCR serves to mine and analyze spatio-temporal road crashes trends using representative time-series.
Additional material that summarizes major milestones and achievements as part of the LOCR project [Slides] [Repo].